UP Lantern Parade 2010 (December 19 2010)
For the past two days, I have been indulging [and definitely abusing] myself
with computer games and my pile of unread books. Oh, the joy and consequence of
holidays! Well I guess that’s just my initial reaction after being free from the
fetters of laboratory reports and exams. Anyway, I promised myself that I would
upload some pictures online, and I think now’s the perfect time for that. I
decided not to use Facebook in uploading these pictures. Of course, I want to
give some privacy to those who are involved here and uploading these in a social
networking site might be the cause of somebody else’s suicide act. Besides, I
don’t want to be bombarded with notifications because of these pictures,
especially comments from those people whom I don’t even know.
These pictures were taken during the University of the Philippines’
Lantern Parade 2010 held last December 17, Friday. Unfortunately, we were
marching behind our institute’s float so we could not just sit down and enjoy
the whole parade. It was definitely tiring, walking around a 2.2 kilometer oval
at a snail’s pace while being ogled at by hundreds of spectators. The banner we
were carrying was no burden however. It was even an honor to carry the UP ACME’s
(Association of Chemistry Majors and Enthusiasts) banner given that we are still
applicants. The crowd couldn't see through that, could they? In any case, it’s just
mutualism at work. The members were spared from carrying the, uhm, spectacular
banner while the applicants were made to carry already the organization’s name.

UP ACMF ACME co-applicants
The Institute of Chemistry's Lantern (An Erlenmeyer flask surrounded by colorful benzene-like rings with two moving test tubes suspended above it. White smoke also rises out of the flask simulating a chemical reaction taking place.)
Another UP ACME co-apps picture with the Institute of Mathematics' lantern showing on the background.
Another shot of IC's lantern with some of the balloons carried by the chemistry students showing on the foreground.
Yet another picture of UP friends.
Moises is deep in thought...again...even during the Lantern Parade.
Eeeeekkk!!! Just kidding. That's just Shain.
These people are so vain.
There's a perfect Tagalog word to describe Kim's pose here...ah, that's it: BANGAG.
Just what are they looking at? Geez, their mouths are literally open.:O
Haha. I think this is the wackiest picture here. Oli looks like Donkey from Shrek in this picture. Just joking.
Talk about redundancy. LOL
(I still have pictures here but I don't feel like uploading them here. B-P)
After the parade, me, Oli, Ace, Art, Shain, Kat had our dinner at Mcdonald's. Then we went to our favorite computer shop nearby to play Left 4 dead 2. Yes, the best way for us to relax after a harrowing 'alay-lakad' is to hack and blow some zombie heads. Congratulations...you just met the future survivors of the impending zombie apocalypse in 2012.
Happy Holidays!!!
PS. Most of the pictures shown above were taken by Mr. Sidney Palardoņio. Thanks Sid!
of revenants and royalties (November 01 2010)

Reading Moorat’s “Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter” will not bore anyone who’s at
least (if not fully) interested in a mortal-versus-demon type of action. Reading
it seemed to me like playing a hack-and-slash game that would certainly earn a
Mature (Extremely for 18+) rating given with its detailed description of
entrails, decapitations, cannibalism and demons.
Basically, what Moorat did was inject his own fiction in a factual
template that took place in the Victorian era, using of course a young Queen
Victoria as his main character in a story with a theme parallel to that of Buffy
the Vampire Slayer.
The novel is an example of the recent trend in literary world of books being
adapted and infused with another story, usually that of something most peculiar
if it was to be related with the original script. However, unlike the appraised
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters,
Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter does not rely on an existing piece of work. Instead
it tried to modify a point in history itself without alternating the facts but
rather adding specific details to it. It has even arrived to the point where it
tries to justify unexplainable events in the Victorian era with the use, of
course, of zombies and demons. What’s so amazing here is that after reading
Wikipedia articles about the characters involved in the story, I found that
their behavior does not deviate from that of their real-life equivalents. (Well,
that’s what the all-knowing Wiki says and I’m only bound by my ignorance in
English history.) What also amuses me is the fact that you’re enjoying the book
without noticing that you’re already learning history. Well, at least I know now
who Lord Melbourne is and Queen Victoria’s bitter attitude toward Sir Conroy.
Moorat is a good writer. He has molded palace intrigue (politics), dark humor,
sex, absolute action, and a love story into one package. A bit disappointment
came to me, however, towards the book’s ending due to the lack of fight scenes
between Victoria and the demons. It was like the book was suddenly cut off from
a non-existent sequel that left the story hanging. Truthfully, there was a point
in reading the book where I would glance at the pages that I have already
consumed and I would feel disappointed not yet seeing Victoria go toe-to-toe
with the other demons, especially the principal ones. The humor and the other
conspiracies going in the story have made up for this lack though. In addition,
I admire Moorat’s way of ending each chapter. It reminded me of R.L. Stine who
cuts off each chapter at the very apex of action and revelation.
Minus the gore and debauchery, the novel is really an interesting read
especially for those who want a variety in their collection of books. After
reading Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter, I can’t wait to read the other novels of
the same genre. Hey, there’s still
“Henry VIII: Wolfman” and “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter”!
Self-realization: I'm like Quimby’s zombie. Only it's a book that I devour.
New books to devour: 1.) "I Spy" by Jacey Ford (I bought my
AUTOGRAPHED copy for only 80 pesos. Sometimes, Booksale surprises me with the
variety and uniqueness of the books they sell. Imagine buying an autographed
book for 80 pesos?!) 2.) "The Time Traveler'Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger (I
bought it only for 180 pesos and the book is still in bookstore-new condition!)
I wanna laugh like a maniac.
say cheese! (October 30 2010)
Wearing braces (or at least half of it) for the first time yesterday is not
something to celebrate about. No, it does not even deserve a status in Facebook
or even a whole blog entry just for the sheer pride of having one. Why? Having a
set of metal braces interconnected by a durable stainless wire that constantly
applies pressure to your teeth (making them move slowly) is quite painful. While
I am writing this, my maxilla is hurting. It also feels like a paper clip was
shoved inside my mouth behind my upper lip and there’s no removing it. I can’t
even eat solid food without hurting my front teeth.
To add to such torment, I just have a
tooth removed with blood still leaking out of the space where it was once
situated. All in all, it’s like extreme makeover: teeth edition. Or better yet,
extreme restoration: lifetime edition (results discernible in about 3 to 4
By the way, what also surprises me is how braces are accepted here in our country.
Wearing one seems to be a fashion statement and not just out of necessity. Maybe
it’s because people regard those with braces as somewhat having a cute or
friendly visage. Goodness, maybe next year having a bandage around the head will
be as common as having a jejemon in
our midst. It seems like an insult to those who really need braces like me. They
could have just donated the money spent (a 5-digit figure) to the poor and the
unfortunate (cue: looks up, white light exudes from the sky, choir sings
Hallelujah). Amen.
My mother offered me
pili nuts my grandmother brought with her as
pasalubong. My father asked if want
balot for midnight snack. They sure must be kidding me.
Now Reading: Moorats’s “Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter”
(Maybe next time, I’ll try writing a book review. That is, if my teeth don’t
hurt anymore)
photo buffet (July 2010)